The City of Grande Prairie began the 2024 Municipal Census today, May 1, 2024, to ensure an accurate population count. The count provides the basis for calculating per capita provincial grants.
“I encourage every resident to take part in the Municipal Census,” said Grande Prairie Mayor, Jackie Clayton. “Participation in the census is essential not just for documenting our growth, but also for attracting investments and development. By accurately capturing our population, we can advocate for the funding needed to sustain and enhance the services our community relies on."
As a growing municipality, the updated population count will help to:
- ensure appropriate funding from the province,
- inform local planning for services and amenities; and
- attract new economic development opportunities.
There are three ways to be counted; online, phone-in by calling 311, or door-to-door.
PIN cards are being delivered to residents starting today, May 1 with all PIN cards delivered to residences by May 8. Each card has a unique PIN residents can use to complete the Census online. If you complete your census early, an enumerator will not come to your door, and you will be entered to win one of two $500 grocery gift cards.
Census enumerators will be coming door-to-door from May 26 to June 30 to assist anyone who has not completed the census online. All City enumerators will be wearing high visibility vests and have a census enumerator ID badge with their photo. Access to the online census will remain open for the full period, May 1 to June 30. For more information visit: