Land Use and Zoning
The City's Municipal Development Plan and subsequent Area Structure Plans and Outline Plans set out the general policies for future land use in the City of Grande Prairie. The Land Use Bylaw put the plan into effect and provide for its day-to-day administration. It contains specific requirements that are legally enforceable.
Land Use Bylaw
A Land Use Bylaw is required for every municipality in Alberta as per the Municipal Government Act. It divides the City into land use districts (zones) and outlines the development of land for each district (zone).
If you are planning to construct a building, start a business, change land use (zoning), undertake renovations or redevelopment, erect a sign, or establish a secondary suite, the Land Use Bylaw will provide direction on the applicable rules and regulations you will need to consider.
To view the Land Use Bylaw for the urban area of the City visit the Land Use Bylaw C-1260 website.
If you cannot meet one of the regulations, you have the opportunity to apply for a variance on development permit applications. However, you cannot vary the use in the land use district, you can only vary specific regulations. Visit the variances page for more information.
Land Use Bylaw Amendments
To change the land use designation of a specific parcel of land, an application must be made to amend the Land Use Bylaw. Visit the Land Use Bylaw Amendments website for more information.