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Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures Explained
Bylaws are laws created by the City. They are enforced by Peace Officers or Development Officers. Bylaws in Alberta are created generally under the authority of the Municipal Government Act (Alberta).
To pass bylaws, Council must give them Three Readings (three separate approvals) at Council meetings. The public is encouraged to provide input.
Example of a Bylaw
The Traffic Bylaw C-1166, regulates traffic in the City. This includes speed limits and dangerous goods routes.
Policies provide overarching standards for decision making and operations within local government. They are not typically enforceable by law, but they can help an organization operate consistently. Policies are approved by Council.
Example of a Policy
The City has established a Naming Rights and Naming Dedication Policy 621 to establish a fair and consistent process for the naming rights of a city owned property.
Procedures are series of interrelated steps that are taken by City staff to implement a policy. Procedures are approved by the City Manager.
Example of a Procedure
Policy 202 makes sure ice time at City-operated arenas is distributed fairly to users. To help City staff follow this policy and act consistently, Procedure 202-2 exists.