Filing an Appeal

Filing an Appeal

Filing an Assessment Complaint

Before filing a complaint/appeal, please discuss your concerns with a City assessor by calling the City of Grande Prairie at 311. They may be able to make corrections or make an appointment to visit your property. If after doing so you feel your concern is unresolved, a formal complaint may be filed against your assessment with the Assessment Review Board.

The Assessment Review Board Clerk must receive your written complaint no later than the date provided on the assessment notice. An assessment complaint is not an appeal for lower taxes.

To avoid penalties you must pay your taxes by the due date even if you have filed a complaint.


How do I file an assessment complaint?

All complaints must be made through the Assessment Review Board Complaint Form. It must include:

  • Why you think the information or assessed value on your assessment notice is incorrect.
  • What you believe to be the correct information (if you disagree with the assessed value, indicate what you believe the assessed value should be).
  • The filing fee in accordance with Schedule A of Bylaw C-1395, the Fees, Rates and Charges Bylaw.

An agent may file a complaint on your behalf if you complete an Agent Authorization Form and include it with your complaint.

Complaints with an incomplete complaint form, complaints submitted after the filing deadline, or complaints without the required filing fee are invalid.

Complaint forms and filing fees may be emailed to or dropped off at:

c/o Clerk of the Assessment Review Board

City of Grande Prairie

10205 - 98 Street

Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 2E7

For more information, refer to Municipal Affairs - Assessment Complaints and Appeals web page.