Land Use Bylaw Amendments (Rezonings)

Land Use Bylaw Amendments (Rezonings)

The Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires municipalities in Alberta to have a Land Use Bylaw. The bylaw specifies the uses and activities permitted on private lands.

Landowners who wish to pursue activities on their land that are not permitted under current zoning may apply for a land use bylaw amendment (rezoning) before subdividing or further developing their land.

Land Use Bylaw Amendment (Rezoning) Process

Timeframe: 2-12 monthsCost: $4,000+
Actual cost and timeline are dependent on the number of plans and complexity of the proposal.

Step 1: Pre-Application Meeting

You are encouraged to discuss your proposal with a Land Use Planner to assess the feasibility of a proposed amendment before making a formal application. They will provide information on development standards, the application process, and applicable fees.

Call 780-538-0325 or email to schedule a meeting with a Land Use Planner.

Note:  Applications are required to align with an Area Structure Plan and/or an Outline Plan that has been approved for the location of the application.  If they don't, a concurrent amendment to those plans may be applied for.

Step 2: Apply

Complete and submit the application form including any supporting documentation, as well as the applicable fees. Please refer to the Fees, Rates and Charges Bylaw for the current fee schedule.

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Package

Once a submission is deemed complete, a Land Use Planner will circulate the proposed amendment(s) to internal city departments and external agencies for comments and to determine if any requirements need to be addressed regarding the proposal.

As per the Municipal Government Act and the Land Use Bylaw, public notice must be given regarding amendments. Notice of the amendment(s) is published on the City's website. Letters are also sent to adjacent property owners.

Step 3: Public Open House

Depending on the nature of the application, a Public Open House may be required. The meeting provides residents an opportunity to listen to a presentation by the applicant regarding their proposal and provides them the opportunity to ask questions and offer comments. A Land Use Planner is in attendance to provide an overview of the process, and the next steps following the meeting. The Applicant is responsible for all costs associated with the Public Open House.

Step 4: Public Hearing (at City Council)

All Land Use Bylaw amendments are subject to a Public Hearing, conducted at City Council at 6:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Members of the public may provide written comments for City Council to consider in their deliberations or may address City Council in person at the hearing. This is the applicant's opportunity to convince Council to adopt the plan.

Step 5: Final Decision

A final decision on a proposed  Land Use Bylaw Amendment is made by City Council. The applicant will be informed of the decision by a Land Use Planner.