For the comfort and safety of all users and staff of the Montrose Cultural Centre (MCC), the following rules must be respected. Violation rules may result in suspension or restriction of MCC privileges, including banning from premises. Criminal offences may result in prosecution. Final authority rests with MCC Facility Supervisor.
- Only registered assistance animals are permitted in MCC.
Phones and Other Devices
- Personal electronic devices must be used in a manner that does not disturb others.
- Upper and lower body clothing and footwear must be worn.
Disruptive Behaviour and Language
- Behaviour that interferes with any person’s comfort or use of MCC is not tolerated.
- Threatening, abusive, harassing language or behaviour toward staff or other users is not tolerated.
- No person shall beg or sell services, goods or merchandise.
- No person shall distribute or post materials without permission from MCC staff.
- No person shall traffic in, consume, or appear to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs and substances.
Furniture Use
- Sleeping is not tolerated.
- Feet must not be placed on the furniture.
Public Internet Use
- Use of the Internet for criminal activity is not tolerated.
Prohibited Items
- Any and all weapon like devices
- Air horns, fireworks, sparklers
- Large chains, pocket knives
- Any item/action deemed to challenge public safety
Smoking, vaping and cannabis
- Smoking, vaping and cannabis use is prohibited within MCC and is permitted only in designated smoking areas.
Sports Equipment
- Bicycles are not tolerated in MCC.
- Other sports equipment (skateboards, inline skates etc.) must not be used inside MCC.
Theft / Damage to Property
- Stealing, damaging, or vandalizing MCC property is prohibited by law.
- Writing on MCC materials, equipment, furniture and walls is not tolerated.
Unattended Children
- Children 8 years and under must be within sight of a parent/caregiver at all times while visiting MCC.