Servicing Installation

Servicing Installation

Large development areas normally undertaken by private developers require a Servicing Agreement (SA) between the City and the developer. A SA is a legal contract for all residential, industrial, and commercial developments. It sets out the terms and conditions under which development of the lands are to take place within the city, including the responsibility to construct public improvements and associated financial obligations.

Servicing Agreement Process

 Timeframe: 4.5 - 6.5 weeks (excluding construction) Cost: $5,000.00 or 500.00/gross hectare (whichever is greater)

Step 1: Drawing Submissions

Engineering drawings are submitted and reviewed for compliance with:

Outline Plans

Contains a detailed framework for a defined area (usually a ¼ section) including the land uses, the layout of roads, and open spaces. 

Subdivision Plan

A fully approved plan of subdivision, signed by the City, and subsequently registered by the developer at Alberta Land Titles.

Design Manual

The City of Grande Prairie's standard guidelines for the design and development of municipal improvements.

Drawing submission requirements can be found in the Design Manual.

Design Manual

Design Reports

Prepared by the developer and intended to provide technical backup for a development proposal, demonstrating the functional viability of the proposed development and showing its impact on existing and future system requirements.


Step 2: Request for Preparation of Servicing Agreement

Completed requests for preparation of a servicing agreement may be:

  • Emailed to
  • Dropped off in person at the City Service Centre (9505-112 Street), Attention: Development Engineering Manager, or
  • Mailed to Engineering Services, Attention: Development Engineering Manager, P.O. Bag 4000, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6V3

* Additional fees from Aquatera and review timelines are not included in the totals provided.

Request the preparation of a servicing agreement

Step 3: Apply for an Engineering Services Permit

The Engineering Services Permit is required for any work completed on City property and must be issued before you begin construction.

This application is submitted by the contractor, who will be required to provide proof of a minimum of $2 million liability insurance coverage. 

Please note, any disruptions to City hard surfaces will require securities. If securities have already been provided through the servicing agreement, no further securities will be required.

For further details on security requirements, contact Engineering Services at or by called the Citizen Contact Centre at 780-538-0300.

Step 4: Apply for a Construction Completion Certificate

Once construction of a municipal improvement is complete, and for every municipal improvement thereafter, developers are able to submit a servicing agreement inspection request for a Construction Completion Certificate. Once this certificate is issued, a minimum two-year warranty period begins.

* Inspection requests are required seven business days prior to the requested inspection date.

 Request an Inspection

Step 5: Apply for a Final Acceptance Certificate

The Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) is a document that marks the end of the warranty period on any part of the municipal improvement. When the document is signed, the City officially accepts all responsibility for the noted infrastructure and the developer no longer has any obligation to the City for work that is covered by the FAC.

* Inspection requests are required seven business days prior to the requested inspection date.

Request an Inspection