City Council Highlights for September 18, 2023

City Council Highlights for September 18, 2023

This news item was published 1 year ago, and may not contain the latest information.

Article Details

Date Published:
Category: Mayor & Council


Jacob Hanlon presented to City Council regarding FoodCycler Municipal Solution, City Council directed staff to bring a report back to the appropriate standing committee, including information from Aquatera, regarding the impacts, outcomes, and procurement criteria of this program.

Deepinder Singh presented to City Council regarding a development question, City Council direct administration to bring back a report with recommended options.

By-Law Amendments

Council approved amendments to Bylaw 1388B, the City Administration Bylaw, to create added clarity on lines of authority to the City Manager, and their delegate.

Council approved amendments to the procedure bylaw to incorporate the land acknowledgement, provide clarity on in-camera sessions, and align the City Solicitor having direct report to the City Manager.

Community Advisory Committee Grants

City Council approved Community Advisory Committee Grants in the following amounts:

  • $11,272 in Arts Development Festival funding
  • $5,000 in Arts Development Operational funding
  • $18,000.11 in Pursuit of Excellence funding
  • $8,000 in Sport Hosting Grant funding


City Council received a letter from a Calgary resident regarding affordable housing in smaller communities.