City Council Highlights
For the meeting held on September 5, 2023
Mike Kingsbury presented as a delegate to Council regarding naturalization. Council directed Administration to fall mow naturalized areas, in the pilot areas, adjacent to private properties. Further, Council directed Administration to bring back a report to the appropriate Standing Committee regarding the City's current engagement strategies.
Louise Fischer presented as a delegate on behalf of Barbara Hofmeister regarding the waiving of tax payment penalties. The presentation was received for information.
Alberta Municipalities Nomination
Council endorsed the nomination of Councillor Bressey to the Alberta Municipalities Board of Directors.
Declaration of Insufficiency of Petition
Council received the Declaration of Insufficiency of Petition regarding Bylaw C-1260-169 for information.
Grant Application - Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta (FRIAA)
Council voted to support the City's two Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta (FRIAA) grant applications for vegetation management and for FireSmart Public Education.
Bylaw C-801G Downtown Business Improvement Area Bylaw Amendment
Council passed Bylaw C-801G, being an amendment to the Downtown Business Improvement Area Bylaw. The proposed amendments address attendance at Downtown BIA Board meetings, along with housekeeping items.
Clean Energy Improvement Program
- Passed Bylaw C-1439A, being an amendment to the Clean Energy Improvement Tax Bylaw
- Amended the 2022 Capital Plan and updated the funding sources for the Clean Energy Improvement Program to $1,378,800 debt, $689,400 grant, and $517,100 Financial Stabilization Reserve; and
- Gave first reading to Bylaw C-1468, being a Borrowing Bylaw.
Land Use Bylaw Amendment C-1260-169
Council passed Bylaw C-1260-169, being a Land Use Bylaw Amendment amended to include Option 1 as presented. The bylaw permits the respective parcels to be rezoned from Arterial Commercial District and General Industrial District to Direct Control District.