City Council Highlights for the meeting held on May 29, 2023

City Council Highlights for the meeting held on May 29, 2023

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City Council Highlights for the meeting held on May 29, 2023:

Declaration of Petition

City Manager Robert Nicolay declared a petition related to municipal policing received by the City to be insufficient, as per the requirements of the Municipal Government Act.

Alberta Municipalities Resolutions

Council seconded the City of Edmonton's Alberta Municipalities resolution regarding affordable housing.

Council seconded the City of Airdrie's Alberta Municipalities resolution regarding rent assistance and temporary rent assistance benefits.

Council endorsed the Alberta Municipalities resolution regarding provincial funding for Medical  First Response.

Building Purchase

Council approved the joint purchase of Condominium Plan 0421648 Unit 1, currently known as the Bandaged Paws building, for $750,000; 60% ($450,000) from the City of Grande Prairie, funded from Future Expenditures Reserve, and 40% ($300,000) from the County of Grande Prairie.

Southeast Grande Prairie Firebreak

Council approved the construction of a firebreak, in partnership with the County of Grande Prairie and the Province of Alberta, for $1,250,000 funded from the Financial Stabilization Reserve.

Urban Hen Complaints

Council increased the maximum number of hens authorized by a Livestock Exemption Permit from four to six.

2023 Grant Funding

Council approved allocation of funding for the Grande Prairie Traditional Pow Wow.

Council approved $25,000 in Large Scale Tourism Funding to the Grande Prairie Stompede.

Boards and Committees Bylaw Amendment C-1422B

Council passed amendments to the Boards and Committees Bylaw to update the list of committees and complete housekeeping changes.

Council Code of Conduct Bylaw Amendment C-1384A

Council passed amendments to the Council Code of Conduct Bylaw. The proposed amendments will provide additional wording pertaining to making a "reasonable effort" to attend Council and Committee meetings in person, along with housekeeping amendments.