CAO Update
The City Manager provided an update on the City’s COVID-19 response.
Deputy Mayor Schedule
Council accepted a revision to the Deputy Mayor schedule.
Property Tax Deferral
Council directed Administration to draft relevant bylaw amendments and procedures to extend the property tax deadline for both residential and non-residential property owners to August 31, 2020.
Included in this will be the elimination of penalty fees for May and July, as well as NSF charges on TIPPs until September 1. All notices and reminders for tax arrears will also be paused until September 1.
The City of Grande Prairie recognizes that families and businesses are facing a great deal of uncertainty as a result of COVID-19. Taking early action on something within the municipalities control was a key factor for our Council.
Business Arising
Council directed the Mayor to write to Service Alberta Minister Glubish and other relevant MLAs advocating for immediate resources to be provided to landlords and tenants to prevent evictions due to loss of income caused by COVID-19.
Bylaw & Policy Review Committee Business
Council repealed Bylaw C-875 (Unsafe Containers) and Bylaw C-970 (Mobile Unit Assessment).
Both bylaws are out of date and no longer support the services the City provides.
Reconsideration of Bylaw C-1260-115
A notice of motion was made for reconsideration of Bylaw C-1260-115 at the next City Council meeting.