City Council Highlights for March 9, 2020

City Council Highlights for March 9, 2020

This news item was published 4 years ago, and may not contain the latest information.

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Here are highlights from the City Council meeting held on March 9, 2020:

2020 Business Improvement Area Budget Review

Council approved the 2020 Downtown Business Association budget.

Public Member Appointments

The following public member appointments were made:

  • John Croken to the Assessment Review Board for a 3-year term ending December 31, 2022.
  • Mark Fournier to the Combative Sports Commission for a 3-year term ending December 31, 2022.

MR disposal for a portion of 24R Block 2 Plan 969MC

Council approved the removal of a portion of the reserve designation of Plan 969MC Block 2 Lot 24R, by resolution.

Bylaw C-1413 Emergency Management Bylaw

Council approved the Emergency Management Bylaw.

Bylaw & Policy Review Committee Business

Council repealed Bylaw C-741 (Ambulance Services) and Bylaw C-783 (Joint Municipal Planning Commission).

Repeal of these two bylaws is part of Council’s focus on reducing red tape. These are two examples of bylaws that are no longer applicable for the City.

Skatepark Master Plan

Committee adopted the Skatepark Master Plan. Options for implementation will be considered during the regular budget process this fall.

Downtown Business Improvement Area Board Appointments

Council appointed Harold Friesen, Kristina McNeil, Jeff Erbach and Cris Seppola to the Downtown Business Improvement Area Board for a three year term each, effective March 1, 2020.

Riverstone Outline Plan Bylaw C-1411 and Land Use Bylaw Amendment C-1260-115

Council adopted the Riverstone Outline Plan rescinded the original Riverstone Plan resolution.