Online Survey Launches for Grande Prairie Regional Recreation Committee

Online Survey Launches for Grande Prairie Regional Recreation Committee

This news item was published 4 years ago, and may not contain the latest information.

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The second phase of public engagement is now underway for the Grande Prairie Regional Recreation Committee’s 2020 community survey with the launch of an online component.

The online survey is open to all residents of the Committee’s participating municipalities to complete on the Grande Prairie Regional Recreation Committee website at  

This survey is being conducted to better understand the recreation needs of regional residents and to gauge residents’ preferences, satisfaction, and usage of current and future recreation amenities and services. Feedback received from the survey will allow the Committee to identify changes since the initial survey that was completed in 2015, and to determine recreation trends or opportunities in the region.

The survey is open until Friday, March 27.


In 2017, the Grande Prairie Regional Recreation Committee was formed to carry out recommendations from the 2016 Grande Prairie Area Recreation Master Plan, which was adopted and serves as a guide for cooperation and for planning recreation opportunities throughout the region. The Committee has representation from the County of Grande Prairie, the City of Grande Prairie, the M.D. of Greenview, the towns of Wembley, Beaverlodge, and Sexsmith, and the Village of Hythe. For more information about the 2016 Grande Prairie Area Recreation Master Plan, visit