From February 3 to 16, the Eastlink Centre is completing a Customer Satisfaction Survey in the community both online and in-person.
The comprehensive survey is targeted to all users of the facility including members, user groups and tenants. The purpose is to give management feedback on how satisfied customers are with programs and services offered through the Community Knowledge Campus.
Results from this year’s survey will form a baseline for future satisfaction surveys. Feedback received is being used to create action plans to set performance targets, increase overall satisfaction ratings and continuously improve membership retention.
The goal of this effort is to continue to add value to the Eastlink Centre by enhancing the customer experience while also ensuring the facility remains economical by maintaining a reasonable balance between property taxes and user fees to ensure Grande Prairie is a community that advances economic growth for business and affordability for residents.
To complete this survey, residents can visit, or complete a paper version at the front-desk of the Eastlink Centre. Staff members will also be doing outreach to members throughout the facility during this time to encourage survey participation.
The Eastlink Centre team thanks everyone in advance for completing the survey and offering valuable feedback to help move the facility forward and continue to better serve the community.