The City of Grande Prairie has announced parking bans on permanent snow routes starting Tuesday, January 23.
The parking ban restricts parking on permanent snow routes (priority 1 and 2 routes) from Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. until the ban is lifted. Parking bans come into effect to ensure safe access to roadways during snow removal operations.
Residents are asked to remove parked vehicles from priority 1 and 2 roads. A map of priority routes is available for viewing on the City website.
“Implementing parking bans on priority routes is important to ensuring snow clearing crews can easily maneuver and remove snow off vital routes for emergency vehicles, transit buses and residents,” said City of Grande Prairie Director of Transportation, Wade Nellis. “Grande Prairie residents are encouraged to visit the City website for full snow removal information and reminded to move their vehicles from priority 1 and 2 routes during the designated ban period.”
A notice will be put out on the City’s Website, Facebook and Twitter pages once the parking ban is lifted.
Residential road clearing has also been declared and is underway in Grande Prairie due to the accumulation of snow. Contracted snow removal crews are completing residential areas in a two-week rotation from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Stay informed
Residents looking to stay informed on snow removal operations may register for daily text or email updates on the City website at
A brochure outlining information on snow removal operations is mailed to every household in the City and is also available for viewing online.
Questions about snow removal may be directed to AccessGP at 311 or
For more information on daily snow updates, reporting weather and seasonal issues and more, visit