Starting, Saturday, July 29, Transit is expanding its service hours offering late night service.
The new late night service is available on-demand. The service will run from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. with a final booking time of 10:15 Monday to Saturday and 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with a final booking time of 7:15 p.m. Sundays.
Late night service is available from any transit stop to any other transit stop and is not exclusive to on-demand zones. Regular bus fare applies.
The goal of late night on-demand service is to provide transit service in the most effective and efficient manner by responding directly to ride requests as they come in. It also allows riders to travel more directly, based on their requested bus stops and not along a fixed route.
The expanded hours come as a response to rider feedback for improved service options so the City can better service its residents and connect the community.
“Expanding our service hours for transit is a significant milestone for supporting quality of life in our community. By offering service later into the evening, we are able to better connect our community for both work and play. This is a huge advancement for the social and economic development of Grande Prairie, and we look forward to ongoing continuous improvement in our transit services,” says Mayor Clayton
In addition to late-night service, the Sunday fixed-route schedule is also expanding. All routes will start service at least an hour earlier with service commencing between 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. on Sundays. Please refer to the Riders Guide for specific route start times, available at
How to Book
Late night service can be booked using the on-demand booking system using the GP My Ride app (iOS and Android) or by calling Transit Services at 780-830-RIDE (7433).
Use the app to subscribe to push notifications to track your bus and save personal search results and common trips so you can easily book again.
Note that this is a shared ride service and other customers may be scheduled to travel with you so its important to allow plenty of time to reach your destination.
Full details are available at