For the meeting held September 21, 2021
Mayor Clayton declared September 20 – 26th, 2021 as "Rail Safety Week " in the City of Grande Prairie, as requested by CN in support of its ongoing efforts to raise awareness, save lives and prevent injuries in communities, including our municipality.
Mayor Clayton declared October 17- 23, 2021 as “Small Business Week” in the City of Grande Prairie to honour and support small business owners and employees, and the enormous contribution they make to the success of our regional economy.
Alberta Health Services representatives answered questions from Council on the COVID-19 response.
Tanya Wald from Sunrise House requested confirmation of a land swap agreement and to secure land for Sunrise House. Council directed the CAO to write a letter of intent to transfer parcels of land discussed, subject to the conclusion of public engagement and re-zoning of this land with the completion of the transaction no later than February 1, 2022.
Stuart Llloyd-Jones discussed options for the future vision and prosperity of the Richmond Industrial Park. Council directed Administration to work with the land owners to develop a Richmond Industrial Park revitalization strategy and bring forward to a future Standing Committee.
Colin Griffith and Ray Mildenberger proposed a regional partnership to market the The Best of Alberta Mens and Women's 2022 Provincial Mens’ and Womens’ Curling Championships being held January 2 to 9 at Bonnetts Energy Centre and the Grande Prairie Curling Centre. Council directed Administration to present a report on the event’s impact at the appropriate Standing Committee.
Supervised Consumption Services
Council directed the Mayor to write a letter to the province regarding Supervised Consumption Services, their locations, the impacts on our community, alternative ways to address this issue, and the necessity of such services within the City.
Alberta Population Estimates Methodology
Council approved support of the Alberta population estimates methodology effective January 1, 2022 and discontinuation of the mandatory biennial (every 2 years) municipal census for the City of Grande Prairie.
Annual estimates by census division and by census subdivision will be provided to municipalities and contain information related to usual resident population (based on age/sex demographics), while saving the City $200,000 in census administration costs and ensuring accurate and clear reporting exists across all municipalities in the province.
Under this new methodology, the ability for municipalities to conduct a census will remain in the Municipal Government Act, however the province will no longer utilize municipal census counts for provincial funding purposes.
Revisions to Policy 313 - Expenditure Controls
Council approved the proposed revisions to Policy 313 - Expenditure Controls. The proposed changes include a Maximum Transfer Threshold for Administration, a Statement on Annual Project Funding Allocations, and minor wording updates.
Wapiti House Area Property Values
Council defeated a motion directing Administration to bring back a report with information regarding Wapiti House and surrounding property assessment values, with additional considerations to be taken on assessing impact in the future.
Grant Recommendation
Council approved funding allocation in the following amounts:
- Pursuit of Excellence Coach Funding to Travis Duncan in the amount of $505.00;
- Pursuit of Excellence Athlete Development Funding to Nikita Tsyruk in the amount of $500.00;
- Pursuit of Excellence Athlete Development Funding to Ethan Fernandes in the amount of $500.00;
- Pursuit of Excellence Clinic Funding to the Peace Region Dressage Association in the amount of $1,000.00;
- Pursuit of Excellence Clinic Funding to the Peace Region Pony Club in the amount of $1,000.00; and
- Pursuit of Excellence Coach Funding to Sheila White in the amount of $145.00.
Council received a letter from the Office of the Alberta Justice and Solicitor General in response to the letter they directed the Mayor to write in May, outlining justice priorities and commitments for the City.
Council received a letter from the Minister of Health in response to Council’s advocacy on health care capacity and staffing levels at the QEII Hospital.
Southwest ASP Amendment Bylaw C-1066-13; Stone Ridge OP Amendment Bylaw C1383A; Land Use Bylaw Amendment C-1260-137
Council passed amendments to the Southwest ASP and Stone Ridge OP.
College Park Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw C-1406 and Associated Land Use Bylaw Amendments C-1260-140 and C-1260-141
Council passed the College Park Area Redevelopment Plan.
The City of Grande Prairie acknowledges the success and dedication of the 2018-2021 City Council and congratulates them on the last meeting of their term.