Alison Steele presented to council about her experience using public transit in the community. Council received the presentation for information.
Transfer of Housing Assets
City Council approved the transfer of nineteen City-owned social housing units to Grande Spirit Foundation as identified in the 2021-2022 Social Housing Strategy.
The transfer of assets will allow the Grande Spirit Foundation to leverage up to $3 million in funding to develop social housing units.
Grant Recommendation
City Council approved emergency community group funding for the Grande Prairie Curling Centre in the amount of $47,439.94.
Reallocation of Capital Funds for Bonnetts Energy Centre
Council reallocated $250,000 from the loading dock capital project into the installation of LED video screens to replace the scoreboard at the Bonnetts Energy Centre.
Investment Policy
City Council approved the proposed revisions to the City’s Investment Policy that allow for increased flexibility when choosing an investment type, with the goal of providing the highest rate of return.
Fiscal Sustainability Model – Long Term Debt Management
City Council approved revisions to the City’s Long Term Fiscal Sustainability Model. The proposed revisions will ensure clarity and provide additional guidelines that the City should adhere to when planning for fiscal sustainability.
Revised Transit Routes and Schedules
City Council approved new public transit routes and schedules. They also directed administration to bring back to Council for approval, service standards for on demand transit service. Council also directed administration to bring to the appropriate standing committee options to improve transit facilities near Towne Centre Mall.