Residents presented as delegates to discuss the ride-for-hire bylaw.
Representatives of the Avondale Parent Council presented as delegates regarding crosswalk safety.
Request for Transportation System Levy Reserve Funding- 132 Avenue Pedestrian Network Construction
Council allocated $162,000.00 of the Transportation System Levy Reserve to fund the installation of an asphalt pedestrian pathway from 108 Street to 104A Street. This trail will improve pedestrian access and improve connectivity.
Community Group Funding
Council directed Administration to provide a report to Council showing potential recommendations to see a 10% reduction in Community Group Funding for the 2021 grant funding year.
Bylaw C-1412 Elections Bylaw
Third reading of Bylaw C-1412 Elections Bylaw was deferred to the next Council meeting.
Municipal Census
Council voted to cancel the 2020 Municipal Census. This is in line with the provincial government’s intention to move away from municipal census numbers to a system of provincially developed population estimates.
City of Lethbridge Request for Support
Council approved joining the application by the City of Lethbridge for a grant from the Alberta Community Partnership - Intermunicipal Collaboration program to fund a feasibility study on establishing Enhanced, Interactive Training for Municipal Assessors in Alberta, and directed the Mayor to write an appropriate letter of support.
Provincial Ballot Measures
Council approved forwarding a submission to the spring AUMA Municipal Leaders Caucus with respect to maintaining local elections for local issues, and incorporating a concept that should other matters be placed on a local election ballot, that appropriate compensation be provided to municipalities.
Bylaw C-1414 Public Notification Bylaw
Council approved Bylaw C-1414 Public Notification Bylaw which complies with the Municipal Government Act, supports existing advertisement requirements via newspaper, mail and hand delivery and provides for new electronic communications opportunities.