City Council Highlights for the meeting held August 23, 2021:
Action on Smoking and Health Canada presented as delegates to advocate for a comprehensive smoke-free bylaw. Council directed Administration to propose amendments in alignment with the presentation to update the existing Smoking Bylaw.
Meghan Zatko presented as a delegate proposing to design an annual crosswalk at 97 Ave. & 101 St. to commemorate survivors and victims of residential schools. Council directed Administration to work with the delegate and Indigenous community on this initiative.
Robbie King of Mission Thrift Store presented regarding addressing homelessness in the community. Council directed Administration to bring back a report on ways to reduce harm and prevent crime in the downtown core.
Disposition of City Land
Council accepted an offer to purchase of City land on Resources Road between 68 Avenue and 76 Avenue. Funds from the sale will be placed in the Future Expenditures Reserve for Strategic Priorities.
Regional Recreation Committee- Ice Allocation Framework
Council adopted the Grande Prairie Regional Recreation Committee (GPRRC) Ice Allocation Framework, with the implementation of the step-by-step approach beginning with step one.
The framework was designed by the Regional Recreation Committee and is an important tool for operators and user groups to improve the efficiency of ice arenas, and for users to experience the benefits associated with these community hubs.
Council directed Administration work with Administration at the Regional Recreation Committee to research cost disparity between operation of twin ice arenas in the City and County.
Leisure Centre Demolition
Council approved proceeding with a full demolition of the Leisure Centre including Pitch 2.
Council directed Administration to issue an RFP for a Recreation and Culture Strategic Plan to be funded in the amount of $80,000 from the Avondale Rec Needs Assessment and to move forward the $80,000 request from the Cultural Master Plan Update to be funded from the unrestricted Future Expenditures.
Grant Recommendation
Council approved funding allocation in the following amounts:
- Arts Development Festival Funding to Grande Prairie Caribbean Association in the amount of $4,720.00; and
- Arts Development Festival Funding to Grande Prairie Storm in the amount of $7,500.00.
Remote Attendance of Council - Bylaw C-1299C - Procedure Bylaw Amendment
Council passed an amendment to the Remote Attendance of Council Procedure Bylaw to address the procedural requirements for attending In-Camera sessions of Council.
Mid-Year Capital Requests
Council amended the 2021 capital plan to include additional projects that have been requested based on emerging capital needs.
The additional projects include:
• Fire & Dispatch Technologies
• Coca Cola Centre Stucco Refinishing108 St. Upgrade (132 Ave. to Northern City Limits)
• JPII Traffic Signals
• Slope Repair North of 68 Ave.
Council directed Administration to explore options to close future use of the existing pathway between 72 Avenue and 68 Avenue and bring back to the appropriate standing Committee for review.
2021 Naturalization Update
Council approved the increase of mowing within the Naturalization area as suggested by Administration.
Council received a letter from the Minister of Municipal Affairs detailing the funding that will be provided to the City to cover the costs for conducting the senate elections and referendum questions occurring as part of the 2021 municipal general election.
Council received a response from the Minister of Finance Travis Toews, MLA Tracy Allard and President and CEO of Alberta Health Services, Dr. Verna Yiu to the letter Council directed the Mayor to write regarding future plans for the QEII Hospital.
Clean Energy Improvement Tax Bylaw
Council passed the Clean Energy Improvement Tax Bylaw.
The program supports residential or commercial building owners to improve energy efficiency. CEIP provides low-cost financing and repayment is through property tax.
College Park Area Redevelopment Plan
Council postponed discussion of College Park Area Redevelopment Plan and associated Land Use Bylaw Amendments to the September 21 Council meeting. The proposed bylaws and amendments provide an updated vision for the College Park neighbourhood, and proposes a long-term plan for monitoring and addressing infrastructure.
Council directed Administration to bring forward a version of these bylaws that provide design options, build options, and options for discretionary uses to regulate the development of multi-family building projects.
Council directed Administration to bring forward options to immediately fund non-utility improvements that the ARP calls for the City to make.