In March, the Selected Traffic Enforcement Program will concentrate on vehicle occupant restraints.
The chance of surviving a collision increases dramatically when the occupants are wearing their seat belts.
Any person who is 16-years-old or more is responsible for wearing their seat belt. The driver is responsible for ensuring that a passenger under 16-years-old is wearing a seat belt or restrained in a properly adjusted car seat or booster seat.
The fine for failing to wear a seat belt or use a car seat or booster seat is $155.
Car Seats/Booster Seats
If you have a child in the vehicle that weighs 18 kilograms or less, or the child is under six-years-old, a complete child restraint system (car seat or booster seat) is required. Once a child is two-years-old or more, or reaches the maximum weight or height limit for the rear-facing car seat, the manufacturer may recommend that they transition to a forward-facing seat.
Once a child reaches the maximum weight or height limit of their forward-facing car seat, they can transition into a booster seat. Alberta Transportation reports studies have indicated that in a collision using a booster seat reduces the chance of serious injury by 3.5 times.
The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Act and the Provincial Traffic Safety Act outline regulations for occupant restrain use and occupant restrain systems.
In March, officers from the City of Grande Prairie Enforcement Services will focus on residential parking concerns.
Motorists are reminded that their participation in traffic safety does not end once they park their vehicles. Be mindful of where your wheels have come to rest, ensuring the safe passage of other motorists and pedestrians. The fine for most parking offences is $68.
Some of the common parking offences that are observed in Grande Prairie include parking:
- within 5 metres of a crosswalk or intersection
- in an area signed as ‘no parking’ or ‘no stopping’
- on the wrong side of the street (on a two-way street)
- on the sidewalk
- within 1.5 meters of a vehicle access to a garage, private road, driveway or vehicle crossway over a sidewalk
- blocking an alleyway.
If the public have any concerns regarding residential parking they are encouraged to call the Citizen Contact Centre at 780-538-0300.