City Invites Residents to Take Survey on Vehicle for Hire Bylaw Changes

City Invites Residents to Take Survey on Vehicle for Hire Bylaw Changes

This news item was published 4 years ago, and may not contain the latest information.

Article Details

Date Published:
Category: Media Releases, Public Safety, Roads & Transportation

The City of Grande Prairie invites residents and industry representatives to complete a survey about the vehicle for hire bylaw.

The survey will help inform the City on what to consider when revising the bylaw, what factors contribute to a resident using a taxi, limo, or rideshare service, and what makes residents feel safe when using a vehicle for hire.

The survey is available on the City’s public engagement website and open for feedback until December 1, 2020.

Vehicles for hire serve an important role in proving transport for passengers for a fee. These vehicles could include limousines, shuttles, taxis, designated drivers, or other types of transportation services.

The proposed vehicle for hire bylaw seeks to incorporate the following changes:

  • Taxi and limousine regulations will be adjusted to ensure these traditional transportation providers can utilize existing and emerging technologies to create operational efficiencies and improve the customer experience.
  • Designated driving and shuttle services will be regulated under the vehicle for hire bylaw with driver qualification and insurance will be key requirements for this license class.
  • Transportation Network Companies are permitted, and regulations include driver licensing, police information checks, and insurance requirements.

For more information on the Vehicle for Hire consultation, please visit the City’s engagement website.