The City of Grande Prairie is presenting A Local Panel on Unconscious Bias: An Awareness Campaign for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21 with a virtual panel of leaders in the area of diversity and inclusion sharing their experiences and expertise.
Residents are invited to attend the panel to listen, learn and ask questions of the panelists.
The event takes place Sunday, March 21 from 2:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. and is available to attend for free by registering at
Discussion is focused on understanding unconscious bias, the ways in which it impacts systemic oppression, and how to challenge it on an individual and institutional level.
The panel is an opportunity for all members of the community to join in on the discussion, gain knowledge and understanding, and ask challenging questions in a safe space.
Ali M. AL-Asadi
Ali M. AL-Asadi is a professor of psychology at the Grande Prairie Regional College. Moving to Canada in 1981, AL-Asadi has dedicated his career to learning and teaching as a practicing psychologist, including in his past role as the clinical supervisor of PACE (Sexual Assault and Trauma Centre). AL-Asadi approaches all his work with a foundation of kindness, equality, fairness, inclusivity, accessibility and social justice.
Angela Sutherland
Angela Sutherland has over 20 years of experience locally and internationally in community development within the social service sector and municipal government. Sutherland has extensive experience in program development, systems planning, and advancing equity and inclusion work which she currently fulfills in her role as the Community Social Development Manager at the City of Grande Prairie. Born and raised in Grande Prairie, she is very passionate about making a difference in her community as a strong woman of colour.
Solomon Okhifoh
Solomon Okhifoh is a social justice advocate and motivational speaker, who believes in the equality of all humans, irrespective of race, ethnicity, and social status. He is passionate about community development and integration and strives to make a better city where racism is considered completely unacceptable. Solomon is very optimistic that the problems we confront as a society can all be solved with a united front and bit of laughter.
Jacky Rivas
Jacky Rivaz is a Latina Diversity, Equity and Access specialist who has facilitated, trained and conducted diversity and access processes for public, private, and not-for profit organizations. Rivaz advocates for growth and change by providing an energetic and warm environment to create space for dialogue.
The City looks forward to welcoming the panelists and individuals from all ages and walks of life to the event.
Brought to you by the City of Grande Prairie, Grande Prairie Local Immigration Partnership and Immigrant Advisory Table. Learn more at
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination was declared by the United Nations in 1966 to encourage people worldwide to continue to make strides to eliminate racial discrimination of all forms. The focus of this year is on the midterm review of the International Decade for People of African Descent undertaken by the Human Rights Council in Geneva as part of its 43rd session.