Here are the highlights for the City Council Meeting held May 19, 2020:
2020 Weed Inspector Program
City appointed Weed Inspectors and an Independent Appeals Panel under the Weed Control Act of Alberta. Ms. Gwen Lewis, Ms. Rebecca McTavish, Ms. Lisa Makela, and Ms. Madison Ball are appointed as Weed Inspectors until December 31, 2020. The Infrastructure & Economic Development Committee as an Independent Appeals Panel for 2020.
Automatic Traffic Enforcement Contract Renewal
City Council directed the administration to finalize a 3-year automated traffic enforcement contract with Global Traffic Group. The contract must specify the use of a minimum of 40% overt enforcement vehicles per year.
Opioid Crisis - Class Action Lawsuit
City Council approved the City's participation as the representative Plaintiff in the Opioid Crisis class-action lawsuit initiated by Guardian Law Group.
Special Recreational Services Tax Levy in Pinnacle Ridge
Council approved bylaw C-1421 being the Special Recreational Services Tax Levy in Pinnacle Ridge. The bylaw continues a $25 levy on certain residents in Pinnacle Ridge for the maintenance and operation of the water feature. The bylaw has been in existence for several years and must be renewed annually as it is considered a special tax.
Property Tax Bylaw
Council approved a 1.25% rebate on taxes, equivalent to the previously approved tax increase, which will be automatically calculated on each tax assessment to effectively create a 0% increase.
Tax Penalty Relief 2020 Bylaw
City Council approved the 2020 Tax Penalty Special Provisions Bylaw. The bylaw mandates special considerations for the 2020 Tax year, including:
- no penalties are imposed on Taxes in Arrears on May 1, 2020;
- the only date on which a penalty is imposed after March 16, 2020, on Current Taxes and Taxes in Arrears, is September 1, 2020, and will be 6%;
- the Property Tax Due Date is August 31, 2020; and
- the late filing fee, of 1% per month, for the Tax Installment Payment Plan, is cancelled.
2020 Capital Budget Revisions
City Council approved a plan to utilize available grant funding and available capital tax to advance $20 million in capital investments to the 2020 construction year. The approved plan maximizes available grant funding and will support the creation of jobs in the community this year.
Included in the revised Capital plan are an additional $20 million of infrastructure projects that include moving up projects planned for future years as well as adding in new community facility enhancements that take advantage of COVID-19 closures.
A detailed list is available on the City website.
Rezoning for Agricultural to Rural Industrial
City Council approved Bylaw C-1260-120, which rezones some Agricultural land to Rural Industrial.
The rezoning supports preliminary industrial development of the quarter in advance of comprehensive planning.
Manufactured Home Community (MHC) to Urban Reserve
City Council approved Bylaw C-1260-122, rezoning some land in the Kensington Area from manufactured Home Community to Urban Reserve.