Here are the highlights for the City Council meeting held August 24, 2020:
A resident presented as a delegate to Council to speak against mandatory masking.
Two residents presented as a delegation regarding collaboration on initiatives that support the local Indigenous communities.
A resident presented to City Council to speak about a naturalized area in Mission Heights. The presentation was received for information, as administration have already been directed to bring a report back to standing committee.
COVID-19 Public Information Campaign
City Council endorsed proceeding with a COVID-19 public information campaign to educate the public on the proper use of non-medical masks on a voluntary basis when physical distancing of two-metres is not possible.
Bylaw and Council Policy Review
City Council approved amendments to the policy that outlines the steps for a Bylaw and Council Policy review. Council also voted to disband the Bylaw and Policy Review Committee and directed administration to establish a standing agenda item for each of the Standing Council Committees
Expression of Interest
City Council approved proceeding with an Expression of Interest process to explore the sale of a 17.83-acre parcel of land near Resources Road and 68 Avenue, specifically described as Plan 062 3325 Block 1 Lot 8, with the resulting opportunities presented for Council consideration.
Transportation Master Plan
City Council approved the 2020 Transportation Master Plan and directed administration to review and bring back amendments to the Transportation Off-Site Levy Bylaw, the Transportation System Bylaw, and the Municipal Development Plan. It was noted that the Infrastructure and Economic Development Committee has asked for additional information on possible upgrades and a timeline for the 92 Street corridor between 84 Avenue and 68 Avenue. Council also asked administration to bring an update on what has happened since the 2014 safe walking to school plan was adopted.
Arctic Winter Games Legacy Fund
City Council amended the criteria for the Arctic Winder Games Legacy Fund to include operational funding for Council approved sport organizations, to a maximum of $14,000 per organization, per year. Council also reallocated $10,000 to the Peace Wapiti Speed Skating Club for the 2021 funding cycle and reduced the annual allocation of bid funding to $5000.
Reserve Policy Changes
City Council approved updates to the Reserve Policy 346, as presented. Council additionally restricted $3.2 million of unallocated funds in the Future Expenditure Reserve for the eventual retroactive payment of RCMP salary increases from 2016-2020. The release of the payment is to be brought to a future City Council Meeting.
Citizen Experience and Innovation (CXi) Implementation Plan
Council directed administration to apply to the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) for approval to implement a 311 service for the City of Grande Prairie, and to proceed with implementation once approval is received from the CRTC.
In-Person City Council and Committee Meetings
City Council directed administration to work towards resuming in-person Council meetings, with the option of Councillors joining remotely, if desired. It was additionally noted for administration to explore options for public delegations to present in person.
Housekeeping Amendments Bylaws C-1260-123 & C-1371A
City Council approved ‘housekeeping’ amendments to the Northern Lights Area Structure Plan, and the Land Use Bylaw. The changes are largely to grammar and formatting to increase the clarity of the documents.