News & Events

News & Events

The City of Grande Prairie is celebrating another successful capital construction year where many projects were undertaken to build and improve infrastructure and amenities throughout the City. The City strategically invested $85.9 million in capital projects that support the…
The City of Grande Prairie has announced parking bans on permanent snow routes, starting today. The parking ban restricts parking on permanent snow routes (priority 2 routes) from Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Parking bans come into effect to ensure safe access to…
City Council Highlights For the meeting held December 13, 2021 Delegations A community member presented to City Council regarding the City’s Employee Proof of Vaccination and Rapid Testing Policy. Council received the presentation for information. The Grande Prairie Residential…
From December 13 – January 9, the Ernie Radbourne Pavilion in Muskoseepi Park is extending their hours to allow more people to enjoy the recreational amenities during the holiday season. The new hours will see the facility open 10:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. on weekdays, and 12:00 p.m.-…
Grande Prairie Enforcement Services remind residents and property owners to clear snow and ice from sidewalks adjacent to their property within 24-hours of the most recent snowfall or deposit of ice. Pedestrians rely on sidewalks as an important transportation connection and…
In recognition of International Volunteer Day (December 5, 2021), the Grande Prairie Regional Association of Volunteer Organizations (the Association), their sponsors and the City of Grande Prairie gathered to present their respective annual volunteer awards on December 6. The…
Grande Prairie City Council endorsed a 1.16% tax increase for the 2022 City budget with a focus on efficient operations to support a sustainable future. The budget prioritizes existing infrastructure and focuses on filling infrastructure gaps in the community while maintaining a…
The City of Grande Prairie is excited to celebrate the Eastlink Centre’s ten-year anniversary. Officially opening its doors ten years ago on December 11, 2011, the modern wellness facility has become a recreation staple in the community and across the region. Offering a wide…
The City of Grande Prairie invites the community to visit Muskoseepi Park for a New Years Eve-ning Out on December 31 with a variety of winter activities, live entertainment, hot chocolate and more. Live entertainment outside on the Amphitheatre features Halo Tribal Fire Dancing…
City Council Highlights for the meeting held November 29, 2021: Delegations The Community Foundation of Northwestern Alberta presented to Council to share the findings of the Northwestern Alberta's Vital Signs 2021 publication. Community members presented to Council regarding…