Service Updates

Service Updates

January 4, 2022: Crews continue with week two of residential snow plowing. Today they are in the neighbourhoods of Country Club Estates, Countryside North and South, Country Club West, Patterson and South Patterson, Southview, and Signature…
Update as of 2:50 p.m. on January 7, 2022:  The City has continued to work closely with our banking partner to resolve this issue and minimize the impact by expediting a reversal of the double withdrawal, issuing refunds where needed, and…
Due to inclement weather forecasted, the outdoor activities planned for the New Years Eve-ning Out event at Muskoseepi Park have been cancelled. The safety of the horses, volunteers, performers and patrons were considered. Indoor activities at the…
December 31, 2021 Crews are continuing ongoing residential clearing efforts Crews are starting clearing in Friday neighbourhoods including Arbour Hills, Copperwood, Crystal Lake Estates, Crystal Ridge, Gateway, Lakeland, Northridge, and Royal…
The Eastlink Centre is currently experiencing an interruption in hot water to taps and showers due to a failed heating coil. As a result, showers in the fitness, fieldhouse, and aquatics changerooms are closed and temporary hot water is provided to…
Today, crews began installing protective barriers adjacent to the traffic signals located at Arbour Hills Boulevard and 132 Avenue near John Paul II Catholic High School. Work is expected to be completed by December 24. Throughout construction,…
Please note, there will be no snow updates on December 27 and 28. December 24, 2021:  A two-week round of residential snow clearing begins on Monday, December 27.  On Monday, crews are plowing in the neighbourhoods of Crystal…
The following City facilities will have closures or adjusted over the holidays as listed below. The City of Grande Prairie wishes everyone a safe and happy festive season. City Hall and Service Centre December 24: 8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. December 25…
December 17, 2021: Crews are actively plowing and sanding all priority roads. Crews are clearing bus routes in the Highland Park and Patterson areas. Crews are plowing/sanding the trail network. December 16, 2021:  City crews are actively…
December 10, 2021: Crews are plowing in Signature Falls and picking up piles in Mission Heights. Sanders continue to patrol all priority roadways as well as residential areas as needed. The trail network is being monitored and sanded as needed…