Façade Improvement Grant Application

Façade Improvement Grant Application


The Façade Improvement Grant incentivizes downtown building owners and tenants to make improvements to the fronts of their buildings. In addition to improving the appearance of the building, these upgrades should provide benefits to the pedestrian realm. The Façade Improvement Grant is a matching grant that will provide 50% of the project cost up to the lesser of $750 per Front Foot or a total of $50,000 for Facade Improvement Projects in the Downtown Incentives Program Boundary. 

As of November 2, 2020, Council approved reopening applications for the Façade Improvement Grant under the Downtown Incentives Policy and expanded eligibility to include back alley improvements for businesses directly impacted by Phase Four Downtown Rehabilitation and Streetscape Project construction.

Fees and Timelines

Applications are open until the end of the year or until funding runs out. 

Application Requirements

Projects are required to meet all legal requirements including those in the Land Use Bylaw, the Downtown Enhancement Plan, Building Codes and any other applicable regulations. Applicants are encouraged to meet with Inspection Services and Development Permitting to determine any permitting requirements.

What to Submit?

  1. Completed Application Form
  2. Preconstruction Photos – Photos shall show the current site and its context including adjacent structures, roadways, sidewalks, and landscaping
  3. Site Plan – The plan should indicate all structures and their context including adjacent structures, roadways, sidewalks, and landscaping. A site plan is not required for the Façade Improvement Grant.
  4. Project Description – A complete description of the project.
  5. Project Drawings – Drawings should show the proposed design. Construction drawings are acceptable.

Review Process

The Program Coordinator will bring completed applications to the Downtown Incentives Program Review Committee for review. The Committee will review each application and vote to approve, approve with conditions or deny the application. Approval with conditions will be given in cases where the proposed project only requires minor changes to meet the program requirements. The Program Coordinator will notify applicants of the Committee’s decision.

All decisions of the committee will be made according to Procedure 316.


Applicants are encouraged to meet with the Program Coordinator prior to submitting their application. The Program Coordinator can be reached at downtownincentives@cityofgp.com  or 780-513-5240

Department: Economic Development
Category: Business Grants, Funding and Awards