The City of Grande Prairie is committed to supporting business development and investments that create jobs, stimulate the local economy and expand a diversified tax base.
The Development Incentives and Grants (“DIG”) Program was created to provide financial assistance through grants designed to stimulate business development, building activity and continued local employment in the construction industry by encouraging reinvestment in buildings and property throughout the City and new residential infill development in the City’s core.
The DIG Program is comprised of five components and is currently accepting applications for all incentives and grants.
The Downtown Incentives Program is designed to strengthen our core and increase vibrancy in the city centre. The program encourages businesses and property owners within the Downtown Incentives Program Boundary to invest in higher density residential development, building, patio and façade improvements.
The Economic Recovery Program has been developed to support businesses in the creation of employment and recovery activities in the wake of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Phase One of the program was launched in Summer 2020 and includes the Beautification and Patio Grant and the Local Marketing Grant.
In 2021, Grande Prairie City Council approved three new initiatives to support businesses. These include the Barrier-Free Grant to improve accessibility to buildings and properties around the city, the Training Grant to support local organizations’ participation in education and training initiatives and a fee waiver for drinking establishments to apply to allow all-ages during the day.
A fee waiver for drinking establishments seeking to allow minors during the day is available. The fee waiver reduces costs for businesses diversifying their operations. The waiver may be applied retroactively as a reimbursement of fees for applications received after October 5, 2020. Download the Change of Use Fee Waiver Application Form
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