City Council Highlights for the meeting held on October 30, 2023

City Council Highlights for the meeting held on October 30, 2023

This news item was published 1 year ago, and may not contain the latest information.

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Category: Media Releases


Troy Johnston presented to Council regarding the 1MillionMarchforChildren.

Public Member Appointments

Council appointed Adrian Temple, Aiden St. Pierre, Atishay Goel, Daisy Nellis, Hannah Ungstad, Janee Chamberlain, Manya Singhal, Nabeel Malik, Peyton Wright, Rafael Malik, Tanvinder Rupana, and Tristan Paragas to the Youth Advisory Council for the 2023-2024 term.

Telecom Tower - Lease Agreement

Council directed Administration to negotiate and execute a lease with an applicant telecom company for a Telecommunication Tower with terms and conditions satisfactory to City Solicitor and City Manager.

Council directed Administration to undertake a thorough review of the City's Land Use Bylaw regarding cell towers and restriction.

Public Engagement Policy

Council referred the Public Engagement Policy to a future Council Committee of the Whole meeting for further discussion.

Bylaw C-1467 - Electric Distribution System Franchise Agreement

Council gave first reading to Bylaw C-1467, allowing the municipality to enter into an Electric Distribution System Franchise Agreement.

The franchise agreement with ATCO requires updating with the acceptance of the offer to convert non-invested streetlights to invested streetlights. The Alberta Utilities Commission has an identified process for amending franchise agreements. Council must have first reading of Bylaw C-1467, which allows the City to enter into an agreement with ATCO. Once the Commission has approved the franchise agreement, Council may proceed with second and third reading.