December 17 & 18, 2022, crews plan to:
- continue monitoring the priority road network and sanding as needed.
If weather conditions change to snow over the weekend snow removal operations will switch to begin clearing the priority road network.
December 16, 2022, crews plan to:
- continue actively patrolling the priority road network.
- plow and pick up windrows on priority 2 roads in Friday areas.
- pick up piles from cul-de-sacs in residential areas.
- plow priority 3 roads in industrial and commercial areas.
- monitor the trail network, sanding and plowing as needed.
December 15, 2022, crews plan to:
- continue actively patrolling the priority road network for icy conditions.
- plow and pick up windrows on priority 2 roads in Thursday areas.
- pick up piles from cul-de-sacs in residential areas.
- plow priority 3 roads in industrial and commercial areas.
- monitor the trail network, sanding and plowing as needed.
December 14, 2022, crews plan to:
- continue actively patrolling and sanding the priority road network.
- plow and pick up windrows on priority 2 roads in Wednesday areas.
- pick up piles from cul-de-sacs in residential areas.
- plow priority 3 roads in industrial and commercial areas.
- monitor the trail network, sanding and plowing as needed.
City crews put down salt on the afternoon of Tuesday, December 13, to combat freezing rain.
December 13, 2022, crews plan to:
- continue actively patrolling and sanding the priority road network.
- plow and pick up windrows on priority 2 roads in Tuesday areas.
- pick up piles from cul-de-sacs in residential areas.
- monitor the trail network, sanding and plowing as needed.