Transit routes 4 and 8 are rerouting starting Monday, October 17 to accommodate construction.
The construction is also expected to cause delays on other transit Routes 4, 6, 7 and 8.
The following bus stops will be closed on October 17 and are expected to reopen by October 21 (weather permitting):
Route 4: Stops 424 (102 Street between 121 Avenue and 124 Avenue) and 426 (121 Avenue between 100 Street and 102 Street). Transit passengers for stops 424 and 426 are asked to please redirect to stop 422 (Royal Oaks Drive and 103B Street)
Route 8: Stop 822 (121 Avenue and 100 Street). Transit passengers for stop 822 are asked to please reroute to stop 820 (102 Street and 120 Avenue).
Transportation users are thanked for their cooperation and understanding during ongoing construction work.