City Council Highlights For the Meeting Held July 11, 2022

City Council Highlights For the Meeting Held July 11, 2022

This news item was published 2 years ago, and may not contain the latest information.

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Category: Mayor & Council, Media Releases


Len Auger from the Community Advisory Board on Housing and Homelessness presented on the current situation in Grande Prairie, City Council received the presentation for information.

Peace Country Wolves Athletics re: Improvements to the Legion Field. Council directed administration to investigate the steps needed to bring the Legion Field up to ASAA standards and bring a recommendation to fall budget deliberations.

A delegate from a downtown business attended council to raise concerns about pedestrian safety on 100 Avenue in the City Centre. City Council directed administration to undertake a speed study on 100 Avenue.

City Clerk Appointment

Council appoint Leona Hanson as the designated officer of City Clerk for the City of Grande Prairie, effective July 4, 2022.

Transportation Systems Bylaw C-1452

City Council gave two readings to the Transportation System Bylaw, which is a step toward bringing the City into compliance with the requirements of the provincial Highways Development and Protection Act.

Federation of Canadian Municipalities Grant

City Council directed administration to apply for an asset management grant offered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to strengthen internal practices and fund the storm inspection program.

Mid-Year Capital Plan

City Council moved $1 million in revenue from the sale of the old fire hall to the Future Expenditures Reserve.

City Council approved the mid-year capital plan with two amendments:

  • Removal of the additional funding for the Coca-Cola Centre Solar Project.
  • Future Expenditure Reserve as the funding source for $3.75 million for the Coordinated Care Campus.

The full list of projects included in the Mid-Year Capital Plan includes:

  • CKC Grandstand Concession Construction & Operational Equipment - $15,000
  • Brandt Sky Loft Renovation - $50,000
  • Service Centre Small Scale CHP - Cancelled
  • Curling Club Year-Round Feasibility Study - $20,000
  • Activity and Reception Centre Fencing - $25,340
  • Board and Netting Sport Containment System - $65,000
  • Sound Attenuation Activity Centre - $50,000
  • Coordinated Care Campus - $3,750,000

City Council referred the Cross-Country Ski Equipment project to the 2023 fall budget deliberations for consideration.

Neighbourhood Entrance Features on Public Lands

City Council approved Policy 611, the Neighbourhood Entrance Features on Public Lands Policy which outlines guidelines for developers when installing entrance features near neighbourhoods.

Smoke Free Public Places Bylaw C-1278

City Council approved amendments to the Smoke-Free Public Places Bylaw to define “recreation facility” in the policy.

Recreation facilities mean all City-owned buildings and venues that support and provide the delivery of cultural, sport and recreational programs and services to the community.

Public Hearing - Land Use Bylaw Amendment C-1260-156

City Council approved an amendment to the Land-Use Bylaw to permit the subdivision of one 1.22-hectare lot for a country residential dwelling.

Public Hearing - Land Use Bylaw Amendment C-1260-159

City Council approved an amendment to the Land-Use Bylaw to rezone land adjacent to 68 Avenue and 92 Street from Urban Reserve to General Commercial to align with the land-use vision established in the Southeast Area Structure Plan.