Winter Parking Bans

Winter Parking Bans

Current Parking Bans Status:

No parking ban.

Parking bans on priority roads that began Monday, November 25, 2024 are now lifted.


Declaring and Lifting Parking Bans

Parking bans are declared when snow and ice accumulations become significant. During a parking ban, residents are not permitted to park on identified roads (typically priority 1 and 2 roads) on Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. This is to provide crews with adequate space to operate equipment and clear the road safely. Once conditions improve and priority roads are cleared, parking bans will be lifted.

Residents and visitors are responsible for knowing if parking bans have been declared. Notifications on parking bans can be found:

Parking on Priority Roads

If a resident lives on a priority snow route, the resident may not park on the street in two scenarios:

  • There is a windrow down the center (no parking until windrow has been removed).
  • A parking ban has been declared (no parking from 7:00am to 9:00pm, weekdays).

Priority 1 and 2 roads are main roads and collector roads, priority 2 routes are identified by on-street signage. All priority roads may be viewed on the 2023-2024 Snow Removal Map.