City Council Highlights For the meeting held December 13, 2021
- A community member presented to City Council regarding the City’s Employee Proof of Vaccination and Rapid Testing Policy. Council received the presentation for information.
- The Grande Prairie Residential Society presented to City Council about a potential transfer of land ownership at 11010 - 107A Avenue to the Society. Council directed administration to bring to the appropriate standing committee a report outlining financial impacts and recommendations.
- A delegation presented regarding concerns about housing and homelessness in the City Centre. Council received the presentation for information.
- The Downtown Association presented to City Council regarding ongoing maintenance of banners in the DownTown core. Council directed administration to work with the delegation to establish a funding source for the annual maintenance costs to support the DTA branded poles. Council waived the permitting fees for this project.
City Council approved the City’s 2022 Operating and Capital budgets with a proposed increase of 1.16% to the 2022 average tax amount.
Council approved, in principle, the 2023 to 2026 Operating and Capital Budgets and approved amendments to the Fees, Rates, and Charges bylaw.
Grant Reallocations
Council reallocated $4,123 in Community Improvement Grants from the Highland Park Neighbourhood Association to the Swanavon Neighbourhood Association.
Council carried forward $40,000 in Large Scale Tourism Events Funding for a new Sport Hosting Grant in 2022/2023; $40,000 in Arts Development Funding for Festival Funding in 2022; $30,000 in Neighbourhood Association Funding for Community Building Opportunities in 2022.
Sale of City Property
City Council approved proceeding with the sale of the Former Fire Station located at 10030 - 102 Avenue. The property is legally identified as lots 17-21; Block 2; Plan 1410AC.
Deaccessioning Artefacts from the Grande Prairie Museum Collection
Council approved the removal of select artifacts from the Grande Prairie Museum’s collection, as listed.
2022 Community Safety Initiative
Council allocated $500,000 from the Future Expenditures Reserve to the Public Security Pilot Project for 12 months.
The City received letters from the County of Grande Prairie and Alberta Municipal Affairs offering condolences on the passing of former Councillor Helen Rice.
Land-Use Bylaw Rural Service Area Regulations
City Council approved amendments to the Land Use Bylaw adding new uses, districts, and standards to allow the Rural Service Area, annexed in 2016, to be regulated within the City bylaw.
City Council also directed administration to bring back to the appropriate standing committee parameters for Handi-Craft Businesses.
International Association of Fire Fighters Collective Agreement
The City of Grande Prairie and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), Local 2770 have agreed to terms of a Collective Agreement for a four-year term from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2023.
Public Member Appointments to Boards and Committees
City Council made the following appointments to City boards and committees:
- Darcy Karbashewski and Wade Pilat to the Assessment Review Board for a three-year term each, ending December 31, 2024.
- Robin Mo, John Rudyk, and Neil Tuazon to the Combative Sports Commission for a three-year term each, ending December 31, 2024.
- JoAnn Cazakoff, Lindsey McNeil, Casey McLean, Mieke de Groot, Gary Zuko and Curtis Valentine to the Community Advisory Committee for a two-year term each, ending December 31, 2023.
- Wayne Drysdale, Joan Nellis, Scott Roessler, Dan Wong, Ryan Blais, Andrew Dunlop and Serge Martin to the Economic Development Strategic Planning & Advisory Committee for three-year terms ending December 31, 2024.
- Bobbi Dawson, Alex Dul, and Wade Pilat to the Grande Prairie Airport Commission for three-year terms each, ending December 31, 2024.
- Cindy Park to the Economic Development Strategic Advisory Committee as the Chamber of Commerce representative for a one-year term ending December 31, 2022.
- Debra Normington to the Grande Prairie Public Library Board for a three-year term ending December 31, 2024.
- Jasmine Grosz, Scott Lissoway and Peter Ma each for one-year terms ending December 31, 2022 and Lois Duke and Solomon Okhifoh for a two-year term ending December 31, 2023, to the Municipal Policing Advisory Committee.
- Arlen Miller to the Grande Prairie Public Library Board for a one-year term ending December 31, 2022.
- Jamie McFadyen to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board for a three-year term ending December 31, 2024.
- Cameron Donald and Troy Kamieniecki to the Community Knowledge Campus Advisory Committee for a three-year term each, ending December 31, 2024.