Below are the highlights for the City Council meeting held November 30, 2020:
A resident presented as a delegate regarding the Business License Bylaw.
Residents presented from the Creekside Condo Association.
City of Grande Prairie 2021 Budget
Council approved the 2021-2024 Operating Budget and 2021-2025 Capital budget with the following amendments:
- $2.75 million from the Revolution Place Utility Accessibility Renovation Project reallocated to 2022 general debentures
- $250,000 in funding for the Revolution Place loading dock from the Future Expenditures Reserve
View highlights and details on where you can view the full budget book in our media release here.
Bylaw C-1395D - Amendment to the Fees, Rates and Charges Bylaw
Council passed an amendment to the Fees, Rates and Charges Bylaw.
As part of the budget preparation and review process, the Fees, Rates and Charges Bylaw was thoroughly reviewed to remove rates that are no longer applicable, update rate descriptions and to also reflect new rates that ensure the City is comparable with similar sized municipalities.
Returning Officer and Substitute Returning Officer Appointments
Council appointed a Returning Officer and Substitute Returning Officer for the 2021 General Election.
Lease of City Land - Plan 969MC Block 52 Lot 28
Council approved a term of 25 years for the lease of City-owned lands described as Plan 969MC Block 52 Lot 28 to D-Company Armouries Foundation.
2020 Municipal Operating Stimulus Transfer Funding
Council approved the transfer of the 2020 Municipal Operating Stimulus Transfer funding (MOST) to the Future Expenditures Reserve to support the strategies presented in the budget.
2021 Business Improvement Area Budget Review
Council will approve the 2021 Business Improvement Area (BIA) budget in Council Chambers on Monday, March 8, 2021 and notify the businesses within the BIA of this date by letter accompanied by a copy of the proposed 2021 BIA budget.
Bike Skills Park Site Review
Council approved a final site selection in Crystal Lake for the location of the new Bike Skills Park.
Bylaw C-1395C - Amendment to the Fees, Rates and Charges Bylaw
Council passed an amendment to the Fees, Rates and Charges Bylaw to explicitly include a resident business license fee of $0.00.
Cemeteries Bylaw and Memorial Bench & Tree Policy
Council passed an amendment to the Grande Prairie Cemeteries Bylaw and approved revisions to the Memorial Bench & Tree Policy.
Business License Bylaw C-1393
Council passed the Business License Bylaw with an amendment to include a definition for “home occupation business.”
County of Grande Prairie - ICF Arbitration
Council received a letter from the County of Grande Prairie regarding Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) arbitration.