Daily Snow Clearing Updates - February 19 to 22, 2019

Daily Snow Clearing Updates - February 19 to 22, 2019

This news item was published 6 years ago, and may not contain the latest information.


Article Details

Date Published:
Category: Roads & Transportation

February 22, 2019

City crews are plowing priority 2 roads and hauling away windrows

The clearing of sidewalks and trails is ongoing

Park bans are in effect on all permanent snow routes

Ice control crews are sanding

February 21, 2019

Ice control crews are sanding and salting priority 1 and 2 routes.

Crews are also plowing priority 2 roads and hauling center windrows.

Parking bans are in effect on all permanent snow routes.

A two-week rotation of residential snow clearing is not in effect at this time.

February 20, 2019

City crews are plowing priority 2 roads and hauling center windrows.

Ice control crews are sanding and salting priority 1 and 2 routes. 

Crews are also monitoring temperatures and hauling snow from areas prone to drainage issues.

Parking bans are in effect on all permanent snow routes.

A two-week rotation of residential snow clearing is not in effect at this time.

February 19, 2019

City crews are:

Plowing priority 2 routes

Sanding/salting priority 1 routes. 

Clearing City-owned sidewalks and trails

Parking bans are still in effect on all permanent snow routes. 

The third, two-week cycle of residential snow clearing was completed on Friday, February 15.  Residential snow clearing is not in effect.