February 12, 2021:
- Today, residential snow clearing is underway in Friday and Monday neighbourhoods to accommodate for the Family Day Holiday on February 15.
- Friday neighbourhoods: Arbour Hills, Copperwood, Crystal Lake Estates, Crystal Ridge, Gateway, Lakeland, Northridge, and Royal Oaks.
- Monday neighbourhoods: Crystal Heights, Crystal Landing, Hillside, Ivy Lake Estates, Mountview, Summit, and VLA/Montrose.
- City crews continue to plow priority roads, with efforts focused on priority 2 and 3 roads.
- Sanding/salting is actively underway on all priority roads.
- Priority 2 windrow pick-up is occurring in Crystal Lake, Copperwood, Patterson, and Countryside South
- View a map of the priority road network by downloading the snow brochure to the left on a desktop, or above on a mobile.
February 11, 2021:
- Residential snow clearing is underway in the Thursday neighbourhoods of Mission Heights, O’Brien Lake, Pinnacle Ridge, Stone Ridge, and Westpointe.
- Crews expect these neighbourhoods to be completed early today.
- After completing residential roads in Thursday neighbourhoods, crews will begin plowing residential roads in Tuesday neighbourhoods that were missed earlier this week due to the extreme cold's impact on equipment.
- The neighbourhoods include Country Club Estates, Countryside North and South, Country Club West, Patterson and South Patterson, Southview, and Signature Falls.
- If not complete today, crews will return on Tuesday, February 16.
- All priority roads are being plowed.
- All available ice control crews are sanding/salting priority roads.
- Drivers are reminded to travel with caution and leave plenty of room to stop as during extremely cold temperatures sand/salt has more difficulty sticking to the frozen roadway.
February 10, 2021:
- The residential snow clearing program has resumed regular operations.
- Contracted crews are currently plowing in the neighbourhoods of Avondale, College Park, Swanavon, Highland Park, Cobblestone, Riverstone and Smith.
- Tomorrow, residential snow clearing is scheduled to occur in Mission Heights, O’Brien Lake, Pinnacle Ridge, Stone Ridge, and Westpointe, as well as in the Tuesday neighbourhoods missed yesterday due to the extreme cold's impact on equipment.
- City crews continue to plow priority 1 and 2 roads. Crews are also picking up windrows from priority 2 roads in the neighbourhoods of Royal Oaks and North Ridge.
- All available sanding equipment is actively sanding the priority road network.
- View a map of priority roads and weekday residential plowing areas in the snow clearing brochure.
February 9, 2021:
Today's residential snow clearing operation is experiencing delays due to the polar vortex making its way through Grande Prairie.
Due to the extremely cold temperatures, many contracted crews experienced difficulties starting their equipment this morning.
The City expects the program to restart tomorrow in Wednesday areas.
As residents in Tuesday neighbourhoods have not had their residential roads plowed yet, all efforts are being made to have contracted crews in these areas on Thursday, February 11 and Tuesday, February 16. If City crews are available, they will supplement contracted crews.
All residential roads are expected to be plowed by Wednesday, February 17.
Priority 1 and 2 road clearing and sanding is ongoing.
February 8, 2021:
Residential snow clearing:
Contracted crews are plowing in the neighbourhoods of Crystal Heights, Crystal Landing, Hillside, Ivy Lake Estates, Mountview, Summit, and VLA/Montrose.
Tomorrow, they will be plowing in the neighbourhoods of Country Club Estates, Countryside North and South, Country Club West, Patterson and South Patterson, Southview, and Signature Falls.
- City crews continue to plow priority 1 and 2 roads, and the City's trail network. View a map of priority roads in the snow clearing brochure.
- Drivers are reminded to exercise caution when travelling and drive according to road conditions.