Caragana Being Removed in Crystal Lake

Caragana Being Removed in Crystal Lake

The City of Grande Prairie is beginning removal of an acre and a half of caragana in Crystal Lake starting this week.

The removal is taking place to make room for construction of the new bike park and to preserve the natural ecosystems around Crystal Lake.

Caragana was used extensively by homesteaders for shelterbelts, as it is hardy and easy to grow, but has since been identified as an extremely invasive species that devastates natural ecosystems as it spreads and chokes out native species.  Clearing this alien invasive species from the Crystal Lake entrance is the first step to regenerate and re-establish a healthy, diverse native stand to both support birds and pollinators and to provide nature-based learning opportunities to urban residents and local schools. 

There will be a minor trail disruption during the duration of the removal. Please see map for marked areas.

The removal is anticipated to be completed within 10-14 days.