Snow and Ice Control Satisfaction Survey Launched

Snow and Ice Control Satisfaction Survey Launched

This news item was published 5 years ago, and may not contain the latest information.


Article Details

Date Published:
Category: Media Releases, Roads & Transportation

The City of Grande Prairie has launched a Snow and Ice Control Satisfaction Survey ahead of a scheduled review of the policy for Snow and Ice Control.

The survey launched on June 24 and is designed to gauge City resident’s satisfaction with Snow & Ice Control, as well as determine if there is a desire to increase, maintain, or decrease the allocated funds for the service.

In the survey, residents can expect to respond to questions regarding:

  • Snow & Ice Control Budget
  • How informed resident’s feel about the services provided
  • Priority Road Snow & Ice Control satisfaction
  • Residential Road Snow & Ice Control satisfaction

In addition to the survey, the engagement website hosts details regarding current Snow & ice Control service provided and cost. Grande Prairie residents may access the survey here:

The information collected will be assessed prior to making changes to the Snow and Ice control policy.