City Council Highlights for the meeting held May 2, 2022

City Council Highlights for the meeting held May 2, 2022

This news item was published 2 years ago, and may not contain the latest information.

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City Council Highlights for the meeting held May 2, 2022:


Mayor Clayton proclaimed May 1-2 Youth Week in Grande Prairie to express appreciation for youth and their active participation in our community.


Rhonda Side updated Council on the Maskwa Medical Center business plan and progress with Alberta Health.

Bob Marshall joined from the Water North Coalition (WNC) to give a brief history/overview of the WNC, what they have accomplished, what they are currently working on and the draft strategic direction.

2022 Weed Inspector Appointment

Council appointed Ms. Sydney Olderskog, Ms. Rebecca McTavish, and Ms. Lisa Makela as Weed Inspectors under the Weed Control Act of Alberta until December 31, 2022; and the Infrastructure & Economic Development Committee as an Independent Appeals Panel for 2022.

City Council’s Strategic Plan

Council approved the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan on May 2, 2022. This document guides Council and City Administration’s decisions over the course of their term.

Council’s overarching priority in the plan is Quality of Life. Focus is on ensuring Grande Prairie remains a place where all current and future residents “want to live, learn, work and play.”

To achieve these, the plan is built on the following pillars:.

  • Innovative Efficiencies & Economic Readiness: ensuring we are building strong economy ready for new investment opportunities
  • Inclusive Caring Community: supporting our community’s most vulnerable through a variety of programs
  • Engaging Relationships: highlighting our successes with stakeholders and other levels of government to build on mutual success

Learn more at the Council Strategic Plan page at

Second Cup 10 Year Lease

Council directed Administration to enter into a 10-year Lease Agreement with Second Cup Coffee Canada for the operation of the coffee kiosk located at the Eastlink Centre.

Municipal Historic Resource Designation

Council consented to designating the Old Grande Prairie Courthouse located at 9904- 101 Avenue as a Municipal Historic Resource and directed Administration to develop a process to manage Municipal Historic Resources.

2022 Property Tax Bylaw C-1450

Council passed a revised 2022 Property Tax Bylaw C-1450.

Bylaw C-1451 - Special Recreational Services Tax Levy in Pinnacle Ridge

Council passed Bylaw C-1451, being the Special Recreational

Services Tax Bylaw to collect a $12.50 levy for the operation and maintenance of the front entrance water feature and fountain in Pinnacle Ridge.

This special recreational services levy was initiated in 2010 at the request of the Pinnacle Ridge Neighbourhood Association to keep the water features in the neighbourhood. The Neighbourhood Association received approximately 700 signatures in support of a special levy to maintain the feature.

As this is a special levy, it must be approved by Council every year as per the Alberta Municipal Government Act.

Tiny Hands of Hope- Children’s Memorial Garden

Council approved funding in the amount of up to $54, 768 from the Public Reserve to the Tiny Hands of Hope Children’s Memorial Garden. The funding addresses potential shortfalls in provincial funding, and any unused portions of the allocated funding will be returned to the City.

132 Avenue & 97 Street- Geometric Upgrades & Traffic Signals

Council reallocated an additional $688,684.87 from the Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) to the 132 Avenue & 97 Street Geometric Upgrades and Traffic Signals capital project.

Aberdeen Area Improvements Funding Sources

Council approved an amendment to the Capital Plan to include Wapiti House access improvements for a total of $53,755 to be funded from the Future Expenditures Reserves.

Grande Spirit Foundation

Council received a letter from the Grande Spirit Foundation seeking a letter of support for a regional needs assessment to support provincial housing strategies.