Here are the highlights from the City Council meeting held on May 21, 2019:
June 3, 2019 – Council Meeting Change of Date
The next City Council meeting date has been changed. The meeting is now scheduled for June 4, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. in Council Chambers located in City Hall.
Transit Service Review
City Council approved the use of smaller buses for transit service occurring on select evenings and weekends. In addition, City Council voted to ensure transit users are provided notice of at least 60 days for any changes or adjustments to service.
2019 Weed Inspector
Kassidy Dick, Leah Boss, Julia Friesen, and Gwen Lewis were appointed by City Council as the City’s Weed Inspectors for 2019 under the Weed Control Act of Alberta. The Community Living Committee has been appointed as the Independent Appeals Panel for 2019.
Downtown Business Improvement Area Board
City Council appointed members of the community to the Downtown Business Improvement Area Board. They are:
- Harold Friesen, Shane Mudryk, Kristina McNeil, and Dianne Laurin for a 3 year term effective March 1, 2017.
- John Kriska and Markus Oeser for a three year term effective March 1, 2018.
- Chelsea O’Neil, Grant Berg, and Clifford Headon for a three year term effective March 1, 2019.
Kensington Area Structure Plan and Outline Plan Amendment
City Council gave third reading to the Kensington Area Structure Plan Amendment Bylaw and the Kensington Outline Plan Amendment Bylaw. The changes designate the community park as a school site to support the area’s future population.