For the meeting held March 7, 2022:
Grande Spirit Foundation presented seeking continued support for the new senior self contained apartments in Spirit River.
The new Grande Prairie Climbing Association introduced themselves to Council. They are a local, grassroots, non-profit aimed at bringing high quality climbing opportunities to the city.
2022 BIA Budget Review
Council approved the 2022 Business Improvement Area (BIA) budget.
CAO Appointment
Council appointed Robert Nicolay as the Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Grande Prairie effective March 14, 2022 - December 31, 2022.
Revised Bylaw C-1427
Council passed a housekeeping revision to Bylaw C-1427 being the Bylaw to Close Government Road Allowance.
Sale of the Old Fire Hall
Council approved sale of the Old Fire Hall.
Recreation & Culture Cancellation and Refund Policy
Council approved the Recreation & Culture Cancellation and Refund Policy which outlines a consistent approach in determining when it is appropriate to provide a refund or enforce a balance owing by customers who cancel a Facility Booking (excluding ice user booking), Programming, or Membership within a specific time period.
Service Standards for On Demand Transit Service
Council directed Administration to maintain the current service standards for On Demand Transit Service. This is an integral part of the Transit Redesign and will be implemented in conjunction with the route changes.
Grant Allocations
Council approved funding allocation in the following amounts as recommended by the Community Advisory Committee:
- Pursuit of Excellence Clinic Hosting to the Wapiti Nordic Ski Club in the amount of $1,000;
- Pursuit of Excellence Clinic Hosting to the Grande Prairie Regional Sport Connection in the amount of $1,000;
- Pursuit of Excellence Athlete Development and Travel Funding to Liam Tinworth in the amount of $1,000;
- Pursuit of Excellence Official Funding to Rick Murray in the amount of $800;
- Pursuit of Excellence Travel Funding to Oliver Dawson in the amount of $500;
- Pursuit of Excellence Travel Funding to Ethan Fernandes in the amount of $1,000;
- Pursuit of Excellence Athlete Development Funding to Aydin Chisaakey in the amount of $500;
- Pursuit of Excellence Travel Funding to Sydney Kinderwater in the amount of $1,000;
- Arts Development Festival Funding to the Grande Prairie International Street Performers Festival Association in the amount of $14,000;
- Large Scale Tourism Funding to the East Coast Garden Party in the amount of $50,000; and
- Large Scale Tourism Funding to the Odyssey House in the amount of $50,000.
2024 Alberta Winter Games
Council directed Administration to work in conjunction with community volunteers to submit a bid for the 2024 Alberta Winter Games.
Coordinated Care Campus Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference
Council adopted Terms of Reference in support of the Coordinated Care Campus Advisory Committee. Recruitment commences in the spring for this committee to provide a link between the CCC and the community and provide advice and feedback on matters relating to the CCC.
Bylaw C-1395I - Amendment to the Fees, Rates & Charges Bylaw
Council passed amendments to the Fees, Rates & Charges Bylaw to address discrepancies identified by Administration and an update to Fingerprinting Service rates by the Federal Government.
Bylaw C-1444 - Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
Council passed a new Subdivision & Development Appeal Board Bylaw. The proposed bylaw addresses amendments to the Municipal Government Act, along with flexible options for Council when appointing members to the board.
Repeal of Policy 6110 Driveway Installation and Policy 6335 Service Charges
Council repealed Repeal of Policy 6110 Driveway Installation and Policy 6335 Service Charges as relevant sections of these policies are covered in current legislation, which makes these no longer necessary.
Amendment to the Kensington Area Structure Plan Bylaw C-1442
Council passed an amendment to the Kensington Area Structure Plan Bylaw to create a range of housing options and open space amenities in accordance with the City's statutory documents and master plans.
Stone Ridge Rezoning Bylaws C-1066-14, C-1383B & C-1260-152
Third reading on amendments to the Southwest Area Structure Plan, Stone Ridge Outline Plan and Land Use Bylaw to rezone a portion of a site in the Stone Ridge neighbourhood from RM (Medium Density Residential) to CG (General Commercial) has been deferred to a future meeting.