Storm infrastructure upgrades soon underway on 106 Avenue and Muskoseepi Park

Storm infrastructure upgrades soon underway on 106 Avenue and Muskoseepi Park

This news item was published 5 months ago, and may not contain the latest information.

Article Details

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Category: Media Releases

The City of Grande Prairie begins it’s Storm Outfall and 106 Avenue Rehabilitation Project September 3, at Muskoseepi Park.

The project aims to enhance infrastructure and improve storm system functionality in the area.

Project Timeline and Locations:

  • September 3: Section of Muskoseepi Park east of the spillway structure.
  • 106 Avenue between 102 Street and west of 103 Street to follow.

Scope of Work: The project includes comprehensive upgrades and repairs to stormwater, sanitary, and water infrastructure. 

Key activities include:

  • Removing the existing storm outfall, which directs stormwater from streets to natural water bodies and abandoning damaged storm lines.
  • Installing new storm lines and storm outfall.
  • Replacing existing sanitary and water infrastructure.
  • Repairing the road structure, repaving 106 Avenue and replacing sidewalks, curbs and gutters.
  • Repairing paths and landscaping.


  • Trail Impacts: Minor detours around the work site are anticipated.
  • Access: Pedestrian and vehicle access on 106 Avenue will be impacted, as well as street parking.
  • Service Disruptions: Temporary disruptions to water and sanitary services may occur for some residents in the project area.

 “This project is a significant step in improving our city's infrastructure,” says Grande Prairie Mayor Jackie Clayton. “We appreciate the community’s patience and cooperation as we undertake these necessary improvements.”

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