New Trail Construction Starting Wednesday in Gateway

New Trail Construction Starting Wednesday in Gateway

This news item was published 2 years ago, and may not contain the latest information.

Article Details

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Category: Media Releases, Roads & Transportation

On Wednesday, August 10 the construction of a new 3-meter wide asphalt trail begins along the north side of 100 Avenue from 110 Street to 108 Street and along the west side of 108 Street, from 100 Avenue to 107 Avenue.

The trail is being installed to enhance the City’s active transportation network, create more pedestrian connections, and foster mobility and accessibility across the city.

It is anticipated that crews will operate from Monday to Saturday, weather permitting. Work is expected to be complete by the end of September.

Drivers are reminded to proceed with caution near construction zones, obey all posted signage, and follow the direction of flag persons if present.


The City’s Trail Program presents an opportunity to make functional improvements to the city’s existing trail system by repairing critical sites and installing new path connections to ensure that trails are safe for all users.

For more information on construction, visit or contact the City by phone at 311 or e-mail at