Opportunity for Residents to Share Ideas For New Entrance Feature

Opportunity for Residents to Share Ideas For New Entrance Feature

This news item was published 5 years ago, and may not contain the latest information.


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Category: Media Releases

Grande Prairie residents now have the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas for the new city entrance features.

A survey and idea space are available at engage.cityofgp.com/city-entrance-feature until May 3 for residents to provide feedback and share ideas.

The survey primarily focuses on design features with the idea space providing an opportunity for residents to openly share their thoughts on what they love about the city, what makes them feel welcome and what their favorite part of the community is.  Residents also have the opportunity to “like” submissions from other contributors in the idea space to show their support for other concepts.

The responses from the engagement process are being used to frame the Request for Proposal (RFP) for professional design.

Two locations being considered for the new entrance features are the North and West gateway entrances to the City, for which there is $150,000 allocated under the City's capital budget.

There is also a request by the DownTown Association to use a portion of these funds to update the pre-existing welcome sign leading into the downtown core from 99 Avenue.

The entrance features provide the first introduction and impression of our community to visitors, potential investors and future residents. Having an inviting sign boosts civic pride and makes our city more attractive which has many benefits for our local community socially and economically.

Our new entrance features have the opportunity to visualize our past, present and future. We appreciate everyone’s feedback to make the features as reflective of our Grande Prairie community as possible.