2022 Resident Satisfaction Survey Results Now Available

2022 Resident Satisfaction Survey Results Now Available

This news item was published 2 years ago, and may not contain the latest information.

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Results from the 2022 Resident Satisfaction Survey were presented to the Corporate Services Committee on September 13.

Highlights of the results include:

  • High quality of life rating
    • 70% of respondents indicate that quality of life in the City is good or very good.
    • 92% of respondents believe Grande Prairie is a community with a bright future.
    • 85% of respondents are proud to live here.
  • City services are seen as well-run and receive generally positive reviews
    • 73% of respondents agree that the quality of service from the City is consistently high.
    • Some services receive almost universally positive responses, including the fire department; parks, playgrounds and trails; arts, cultural facilities, and programs; and recreational facilities.
  • Grande Prairie residents remain very positive about the state of the local economy
    • 89% of respondents indicate that Grande Prairie has a vibrant and healthy local economy, an increase of 9 points from 2020.
    • Over half (53%) of respondents expect the economy to improve over the next twelve months while 32% expect it to stay the same.
  • The City’s customer service continues to be ranked high, with some room for improvement
    • 90% of respondents say City staff are courteous, helpful, and knowledgeable.
    • 63% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the most recent contact they had with the City.
  • New to the survey this year, residents were asked for their views on City events
    • 93% of respondents indicate that City-hosted events are an important part of the local sense of community.
    • 76% indicate that they are interested in attending more City-hosted events in the upcoming 12 months.
    • When asked a general, open-ended question about what respondents would like more information on from the City, the top response was “events/activities”. This response did not even register on previous surveys.
  • While crime continues to be an important area of focus for residents, there were some signs of improvement
    • Crime moved from the top issue in 2020 to the fourth in 2022.
    • 62% of respondents agreed that Grande Prairie is a place where residents feel safe and secure, an 11-point increase from 2020.

About the Survey

The Resident Satisfaction Survey is completed once every two years to help staff and Council better understand residents’ perceptions about City operations. This data allows the City to better respond to the key concerns that are expressed and to know where to better invest resources.

This year’s survey was completed by Deloitte and consisted of a randomized telephone survey with a sample size of 401 individuals. Results from the Resident Satisfaction Survey were weighted to reflect statistically valid results to the City of Grande Prairie’s population. The results were found to be largely consistent with previous waves of data collected from earlier surveys with a few notable deviations.

The Resident Satisfaction Survey supports the City’s key performance indicator of external satisfaction levels within our community. It further provides a baseline for tracking trends in public perspective regarding the City’s performance over time, as well as functioning as a benchmarking tool to assess how the City of Grande Prairie compares to similar municipalities.

The City thanks all residents for their participation so we can continue to strengthen quality of life in Grande Prairie.