Transit routes 1 and 3 are rerouting effective Monday, June 20 due to construction.
Route 1 bus stops 171, 173, 175, 177 and Route 3 bus stops 315 and 317 are temporarily closed until further notice.
Route 1 passengers for stops 171 and 173 (located on Patterson Drive between Prairie Road and 83 Avenue) are asked to please reroute to stop 169 (located on Prairie Road between Patterson Drive and 96 Street).
Passengers for stops 175 (located on 99 Street and 85 Avenue) and 177 (located on 98 Street right before 87 Avenue) are asked to please reroute to a newly added temporary stop located on the corner of 88 Avenue and 98 Street (eastbound).
Route 3 passengers for stops 315 (located on 98 Street and 88 Avenue) and 317 (located on 99 Street and 85 Avenue) are asked to please reroute to a newly added temporary stop located on the corner of 88 Avenue and 98 Street (westbound).
Transportation riders are thanked for their patience and understanding while transit staff work to get you to your destination.