Section of Muskoseepi Trail Closed Due to Asphalt Cracks

Section of Muskoseepi Trail Closed Due to Asphalt Cracks

Update: May 21, 2021

The City of Grande Prairie continues to monitor the trail located north of the 68 Avenue Bridge. The situation has worsened and the slope has failed, resulting in a collapsed trail that is unsafe and not accessible to any members of the public. There is no current risk to nearby homes.

A ‘failed slope’ means a section of land is shifting downward towards the creek creating an unstable base.

City staff have created an unpaved detour above the collapsed trail and away from the failed slope. The detour is not wheelchair accessible, however the City plans to install a wheelchair accessible trail further west later this summer. View the detour here.

Monitoring of the area includes site visits and reading data from slope movement monitors that were installed last winter. The City has also retained a geotechnical specialist for further assessments to the area.

Due to the extent of the damage to the trail, the City is exploring options to relocate the trail and there are no plans to repair the section of trail that is closed.

May 18, 2021:

A portion of the Muskoseepi Park Trail north of the 68 Avenue bridge has been closed to the public due to significant cracks in the asphalt.

The public is advised to stay away from this section of trail as crews assess the damage and develop a plan.

There is no danger to nearby homes. The location of trail cracks is marked with a red 'x.'