Municipal Development Plan amendment package

Municipal Development Plan amendment package

A Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a high level plan that establishes land use patterns and development policies for the entire city. All other statutory and non-statutory plans must be consistent with the MDP. Amendments are required if a landowner wants to deviate from the existing land use concept or policies. MDP amendments requires three readings by Council and a public hearing.

Fees and Timelines

Municipal Development Plan Amendment fees are set by Bylaw C-1395 – Fees, Rates and Charges.   Application and advertising fees are non-refundable regardless if the amendment is approved or denied.

Municipal Development Plan Amendment applications can take up to 3 to 6 months to process. More complex proposals may take longer.

Submission Information

Complete applications may be submitted electronically to

Before submitting an application, the applicant should meet with a Planner to discuss their proposal, the purpose of the amendment, and the amendment process. Please arrange a meeting by calling 780-538-0325 or emailing


If you have questions about the application form or the application process, please contact a Planner at 780-538-0325 or

Department: Planning and Development
Category: Building, Development and Construction